In modern realities, the experience of the employee is a zone of intersection of expectations, wishes, priorities, and values ​​of the employee with the goals, proposals, and values ​​of the company. The concept of employee experience is a kind of evolution of evaluation and efficiency of the employee. To give an example of an analogy with the gaming industry, it is a kind of increase in the level of play that an employee receives while working and developing in your company.

Employee experience can be divided into 3 main indicators:


The convenience of office location and its filling. How the company’s values ​​and goals are reflected in the office space. The flexibility of the work schedule. The presence of different zones of activity within the work area. All this is expressed in the desire to tell and even show friends their place of work.

Tools and technologies

General availability of equipment or necessary tools for work. The convenience of workflow planning and control environment. Ability to work remotely without losing functionality. Consideration and prioritization not only on the needs of the business but also on the comfort and wishes of employees.

A filled and clear culture

Equally positive internal and external branding. The atmosphere of awareness of value among employees, feeling, and awareness of the results of their work. Clear prospects for horizontal/vertical growth. The existing database of training materials and the opportunity to attract third-party resources.

Continuing the idea of ​​experience, each message that is transmitted to the market (services, vacancies, PR activities) is a logical continuation of the experience that the employee will receive. Of course, the emphasis placed on the external experience should be similar to the internal culture and experience in the company. When recruiting with a focus on training within the company, you need to implement it.

What you may need to implement and why?

Create a reward system for public speaking, mentoring, and knowledge sharing.

Telling about their experience and impressions within the company, employees act as brand ambassadors. Each value proposition will be covered not just as a project of the company but already an existing and implemented program.

Start using employee feedback surveys

The more you communicate the company’s plans and listen to your employees, the more valuable you are as an employer. Listen, analyze, act. Each candidate can evaluate their future experience in the company based on employee feedback.

Implement career development programs

All HR processes should be clearly defined and strictly related to the values ​​and the mission of the company, in such a system you can implement individual development plans and discuss long-term career goals.

The positive experience of employees affects (in the best way) the company’s services. This can increase the competitiveness of services and even help in passive lead generation.

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