We present you the review of the salary statistics for the second quarter of 2017 according to DNA325. Particularly, the Ukrainians representing non-technical IT- specialties such as administrative operators, marketers, recruiting managers etc. of different age categories were surveyed. Here is what we found out.

Top 10 cities rated  by salary in $

As it can be seen from the graph below, Kiev can boast the highest salaries in the second quarter of 2017 which is not surprising. Further, we see that the average salary in the western part of Ukraine ranges from ~$450 in Ivano-Frankivsk (people there have the lowest salaries) to ~ $900 in Uzhgorod. In the southern part of the country, the average salary of IT specialists in non-technical areas is slightly lower – from ~$500 in Nikolaev to ~$750 in Odessa. However, it is worth paying special attention to Kharkiv. If we compare the information for the first and second quarters of this year, we will see that the average salary of the inhabitants of the Kharkov region in the IT field dropped sharply from $1,100 to $800, putting it on the same level as Chernivtsi, where the average salary is ~$850. A bit lower level of wages is in Dnepr – ~$700 . Then follows Lviv – on average specialists of these regions receive about $650. That is approximately $50-100 less than what people get paid in Vinnitsa, Chernigov, Cherkassy and Zaporozhye.

Dependence of age-post-salary $ in top IT companies

The graph below shows the dependence of wages on age and position in IT companies. As we can see, it immediately strikes that employees occupying high positions in 40+ category stand out by receiving twice as much as tops – about $2400. The same situation is between specialists of low and medium positions in the same age category – they get $550 -$1100, respectively. That is due to the fact that the specialists in the middle and top positions in this age category are the backbone of the company and have been receiving constant wages over the years, cause of long track record. Furthermore, in the age category from 30-40 years, the picture changes radically and we see that specialists in top positions have a solid salary – $2,200, which exceeds the average salary of employees of high and medium positions by about $1000. Specialists of lower positions in this age range have an average salary of about $400, which, oddly enough, corresponds to the salaries of young professionals under the age of 23. In the age category of 24-30 years, the situation seems to have taken expectable turn – starting with intern specialists having a salary of ~ $350 per month, the average amount depending on the position increases by approximately $150- $200. Seniors get ~ $1000 monthly. Tops get ~$1500 . The ambiguous situation with young specialists is that wages of the middle and high level positions  under the age of 23 in companies are almost identical – on average around $700. However, employees of lower positions and especially interns receive less than $400 and $200, respectively.

Dependence of salaries on position and specialty

By specialty

As can be seen from the graph below, the most popular non-technical specialties in the IT field are traffic managers and administrative operators.The sales go next and are followed by marketers and project managers. Business developers are the least popular among the positions.

By salaries


  • Administrative operators and traffic managers:


    1. Junior. The salaries of administrative operators at this level are amazingly high, in relation to other positions and amount to about $ 2000
    2. Middle. Administrative operators of this level receive an average of about $700
    3. Senior. Oddly enough, according to the results of the survey, administrative operators holding high positions receive even less than middle-level specialists – ~ $ 500, which is only one-third of the revenue of traffic managers.
    4. Top. The salary of tops in the said area ranges from $ 2600 from up to $ 2800


  • Traffic managers


    1. Junior. Employees of junior level on the position of traffic managers receive about $ 600 monthly
    2. The salary of mid-level specialists ranges from $ 800 to $ 1000 per month
    3. Top and senior. Traffic managers at the level of the senor receive ~ $ 1600 monthly, which is half of the average salary of the tops of this specialty – ~ $ 3000 per month


  • Sales:


    1. Middle. Specialists of the middle level of this specialty receive less than all of the interviewed people – about $ 900 a month
    2. Senior. Experts at a level above the average have a salary of about $ 1,400 monthly.
    3. Top. According to the results of surveys of top positions in this IT sphere, the average salary is about $ 2100.


  • Project and marketing managers:


    1. Middle. According to the survey results, the average salary of the project and marketing managers of this level is similar – about $ 850-900 monthly.
    2. Senior. As it turned out, the salaries of market experts are much lower than those of project managers of this category – $ 1300 and $ 1800, respectively.
    3. Top. Here, the situation is the same as with the specialists of average positions. The salaries approximately the same for marketing and project managers – about $ 1500 monthly.


  • Business developers


    1. Middle. According to the survey results, middles receive about $ 1000 monthly
    2. Seniors. They get about $ 1200 per month
    3. Top. Monthly salary of tops, according to the results of polls is ~ $ 1500


Dependence of wages on age and sex $

In the age category 40+, women’s wages of non-technical specialties in the IT field (about $ 6,000/year) differ radically from the male ones (~ $ 20,000/year).

In category 31-40, the situation is changing – the female specialists receive more – ~ $ 35,000/year, which is one third of the salaries of men in this field, whose average salary is about $ 100,000/year.

Among specialists under the age of 30, women have an average salary half as much as men (~ $ 75,000/year) who receive ~ $ 150,000/year.

Men under the age of 24 have the lowest salaries in all categories – ~ $ 25,000/year., However, young female specialists can boast  larger salary than women of the category 40+.

The general picture shows that the biggest salaries are received by specialists aged 25 to 30, followed by category 31-40. The youngest (up to 24 years) and the older generation (40+) receive the least.

The overall picture of the salary budget for men and women is as follows:

If we look at the previous graph, we can conclude that in the non-technical area of IT-technologies, women predominate.


Monthly salary and bonus in percent in companies of various types

As we see, salaries in product focused companies are higher than in others (about $1100). But the bonus system is almost the same everywhere, except for startups, where everything is turned upside down – specialists work mainly by the bonus system, while having much lower salary – ~$600. Average position on wages is occupied by outsourcing companies, whose employees receive an average of about $900.

The size of bonuses depending on the position in the company

The picture is fairly transparent – at any level, except for tops, employees receive bonuses that are evenly growing depending on the position (~ $150-250) and a small bonus unofficially (~$50). As the company’s top management, tops naturally receive an average of $350-600 more in addition to the monthly salary.

Company type-salary-post

As we can see from the chart, only in agencies the tops get less than employees of high and middle level and their salary ranges from ~$550 in this type of companies and up to $2600+ in outsourcing companies. Experts of lower rank receive an average of $600-900 monthly and more in product- and outsourcing companies – $1,300-1500. But on average,the salary of workers in medium and junior positions should be paid special attention. In start-ups, they receive roughly the same salary, while in other companies, middle-level specialists have a salary twice as high. In agencies it is as much as high-level specialists are paid.


Summarizing the data provided by DNA325, we can say that non-technical sphere of IT technologies in Ukraine is rising – this is evident in the level of salaries not only in the central cities, but also in the west and east. Popular specialties were sales, marketing manager, project manager, business developer and traffic.